Tuesday, January 01, 2008

We've decided to spend NYE at Holland Village so as to avoid the crowds at the popular countdown areas in town.
Ade suggested a cozy place called the Essential Brew at Holland V.
I thought it was a beer joint at first but turns out that it's more of a quiet two-storey cafe for small gatherings of friends to have some freshly brewed tea.

The following a some pix from my humble sony digicam.

It was a slow start at first as the rest have not showed up yet.

Warming up with some shots.

The rest of em starts to arrive.

Preparing for the countdown.

The aftermath and......

......its victims.

As we stepped into the new year, some got horny.

The following are pictures from Desmond's camera.

The more decent pictures.

Stuff that help us get thru the night.

Preparing for the countdown moment.

The wackier moments.

And hornier moments.

Can't believe I did a εθΏžζ‹ with Carren. OMG!

At the end of the night we played with some sparklers outside the cafe.


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