It's neon tetra for me now.
They're tiny little fishies which cost only 20cents each.
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The Artemia Nyos Project(Day22):
All of they are dead now.
But there might be some minute hope of some eggs being hatched.
It's the start of the exam period.
It's also the start of my roller coaster ride.
Had my English exam today. It was a fairly easy paper.
But I don't think I could say the same when it comes to the other upcoming papers.
Wish me luck!
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The Artemia Nyos Project(Day14):
Yesterday, I decided that I have to do something about the increasing death rate.
So I went online and found some info on how to make your own water purifier.
Well, it's pretty simple......4 teaspoons of non-iodised salt to 1 pint of boiled water.
I used the common cooking salt. I put 4 of the sea monkeys(of different stage of growth) into the new tank(actually it's the original sea monkey tank from the kit).
They are still alive today. So I guess the formula works.
Will be observing them for a week before I change the water for the Glass Castle.
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The Artemia Nyos Project(Day13):
It's like the Bubonic Plague in there!
Or black death you might like to call it.
They are dying and turning black after that.
It's quite a horrid sight.
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