Nothing Better To DoCan't fall asleep one night and I got up to play around with my LED torchlight.
Look ma! I made a Jedi Light Dagger.
6made fr the torchlight's very own bubble wrapper
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Mini GoldiesMy dad has been bugging me to get some goldfishes(which he likes to address as red fishes).
So, I made a trip downstairs to my local ah-beng fish shop.
For a meer $2.00, you can get 24 small goldfishes of different variety.
From the way the shopkeeper catches them, I can tell that they are cheap pet fishes.
She plunges the net into the tank, swings it around the water to catch the maximum amount of fishes in one swoop and banging the net,fish and all against the tank in the process.Once in a while a fish might get caught in her patchy net, she would pick it out with her hand and dump it into the bag of water.The bag 'specially' prepared for me had more than just goldfish, there were a couple of guppies too. There is one especially beautiful goldfish which is bronze in colour.
6my first goldfishes
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