My papa had been pestering me to get those goldfishs that look like golf balls ever since he handed me 7 bucks when I told him Aqua Star was selling them at 1 buck each.
So I went today. When I got there, there was this old man standing infront of the tank where my goldfishs are.
He was catching some other tiny fishes in the tank above the goldfish tank.
So I walked around the shop abit holding my pail of water(this is a self service fish shop).
After about 10mins, he was still there, so I asked him to excuse abit while I catch my goldfishs.
Then I heard him mumbling that he wasn't done yet.
I bo chap him and began to fish out my goldfishs while he stood there and wait.
Then I recalled that the last time when I was there I saw some water hyacinth found on the outside of the shop. They were only 50cents each.
So I went looking for some.
I was picking out a nice healthy looking one when I overheard some kids standing beside me and chattering among themselves.
One of them said:"What is that uncle catching ah?"
I was depressed. To think that during my NS days, when I was helping my buddies buy ciggies from the supermarket, I had to have my ID checked.
Anyway, the proper name for this type of goldfish is Pearlscale.