It's been a while since I've been to Changi Village, so naturally when my brudder suggested going there for nasi lemak for breakfast, I promptly agreed.
He said he'd be jogging there. I guess he was kidding, at most I'd be expecting him to jog halfway then board a bus to Changi Village.
We arranged to meet at 10am'ish.
Today, I struggled to get up bright and early at 830am and went to take a direct bus(109) at 9am.
I'd wanted to sms him but didn't want to disturb him while he's jogging.
So I only sms him when I got there.
To my horror, he called me back and said he was still at home!!!
It turned out to be a major miscommunication. I felt like a fool. :(
This must have been my biggest meet-up-pwnage to date.
But nevertheless, I had my camera, might as well take some pix as a momento.

There were quite a few stalls selling nasi lemak.
I've no idea which is the more authentic one so I pick the one with the brightest
Then while I was dining I saw subsequent nasi lemak eaters buying from another stall.
That's when I felt pwned.
The one I had wasn't too bad lah, just that the fried egg was a bit cold and dry.

Changi Village Hotel

I took a walk from the hawker centre, bypass the Changi Village Hotel, the golf course, the government chalets and stopped at the nearby bus stop to take bus 29 to Tampines as there wasn't much to see anymore.
Below is the route i took.

From Tampines I went to Suntec and saw a "branded" goods sales in one of their convention halls so I went in to check it out.
While queuing in the checkout counter, the guy ahead of me bought 343bucks worth of stuff!!!
Haha, bought myself a bag @ 20bucks.

Then I proceed to Miniature Hobby to get these supplies.
Gonna try filling out those tiny nagging seams with the surfacer 500.