W3Cube sells rather cheap sanyo rechargerable batts and chargers.
So I skipped half a lecture at 3pm and head down to the Adelphi to look for the shop.
I was greeted in the shop by a polite & friendly young man.
However,he was a bit too gentle of a gentleman.
This made me feel a little uneasy in his quiet little shop in the quiet little building.
Anyway, I told him what I needed, he helped me gathered the items, I paid and I left.
604xSanyo AA NiMH 2500mAh batteries
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Paint Job Pro
Spent the last two days giving my entire pc casing a paint job.
By "entire" I mean everything; interior,exterior,drive bays,faceplates of optical drives and floppy drive.
Why a sudden need to do a paint job? Well,it's all thanks to a stupid external HD casing I bought recently. It works perfectly in school but when I plug it into my PC's usb port...Zap! My screen freezes. After that,the pc cannot be turned on. The mobo's chipset is busted! So...if I'm taking out the mobo to be brought to Corbel to claim it's warranty...I might as well give my pc a nice little makeover.
Let me take you thru my journey along with a series is pics:
Dismantling the faceplates of the optical drives and floppy drive is simple.
Then they are lined up to be painted.
Some of the various parts
The final result! Lovely ei...
Next up is the casing,but the cables are first wrapped up in cellophane.
And here's what I did to the power button using some blue-tac. Genius!
Here's the button after the blue-tac is removed. Removal is pretty easy,just use a small lump of the unused blue-tac and rub it against those that filled the gaps on the button.
And here's what happened to most of the casing after some spray painting.
On to the sidepanels. Gave it a nice smooth coat of white...
Drew a nice little design on it and masked it up with some masking tape...
Then sprayed it with some clear lacquer and...Voila! An instant work of art!
Finally, here's the overall look of the interior. Pic is a little outta focus cos hands are a little shaky after a day of spraying,lifting,assembling and etc.
Here's the Cooler Master Blue LED Fan that made it look great.
Here's the completed project...
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Caught the flu bug these two days.
It got worse today after I got back from replacing my mobo at Corbell.
The old mobo's chipset blew when I attempted to plug in my old bad sectored IBM deskstar via my new ext HDD casing. Luckily the people at Corbell replaced my mobo with a brand new one with no questions asked.
Had to fix myself a cup of hot mocha.
6Cool "cup" fo Mocha
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Saw an ad from a forum selling some interesting stuffs...
It's a small shop in Shenton Way selling some interesting items.
I bought a 12 LED torch(damn,it's mighty bright), a torch that doesn't need batteries!(works on the principle of Faraday's Law), a USB data cable for my T610 & an ext HDD casing.
6Superbright 12 LED Torch
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Natural Healing & Medications
From a certain forum, I found out around Blk 209 Serangoon Central(opposite Serangoon Stadium) there's a ketapang tree. I made a special trip down there in search of the ketapang leaf or better known as the miracle leaf. True enough, I saw the tree once I got off the bus at the stadium.
The ketapang leaf is know to promote the healthy well-being and natural healing of bettas.
In the cases where the bettas were to contact fungal or internal infections, PimaFix and MelaFix could be used(as read from the forums too) as speedy remedies.
6PimaFix 120ml SGD$5.00 @ PetMart
6MelaFix 120ml SGD$5.00 @ PetMart
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