Toa Payoh SAFRA is having a TRU warehse sale(till 3rd Oct)(capacity:3 badminton courts).
Today's suppose to be members' day(either TRU or safra member),but i sneaked in with a quick flash of my expired safra card. Brilliant. Subsequent days are open to public.
I was actually looking for gundam models(i asked and there wasnt any at all),then i found a big brown box with a label "$5.00 each". Inside was some Reg Hasbro STIKFAS. There is quite a bit of hasbro monks in it and abt 2-3 hasbro beta with jungle cat(i think it's gone by now). I took one of each and began to browse ard(all kiddy stuffs btw) and i found a hasbro super villian hiding among some other kid's toys. Of cos i snapped it up as well.Then i stumbled upon the rarely seen Titanium Poze'm(5bucks each too,there are like abt 10 diff colored ones) and i pick up an orange one.
65 bucks each is a steal

6kinda heavy and not so poseable