Over The Rainbow
As the costume theme for the annual D&D was well recieved last year, this year we had another one.
I wasn't with the company yet the last year though.
This year's theme was Over The Rainbow where you'd come dressed in colorful outfits.
The company was generous enough to subsidize us 30bucks each to get our costumes.
I tagged along during office hours with the costume hunting party to Masquerade and No.1 Costumes.
In the end I went back to Masquerade to pick up an orange jumpsuit in hopes of dressing up as an inmate (ala Prison Break).
I custom made a number tag then sew it onto the jumpsuit(as it had none) and a ball & chain(which broke within half an hour of my wearing it).
The D&D was held at:

The menu looks great but I'm afraid the food wasn't really fantastic.

Our table.

The door gift was a box of Royce chocolates.

I think I only liked the appetizer.
The rest of the dishes weren't very appetizing. LOL.

The President of Shinryo Singapore, Gonda-san giving a speech before the dinner.

Our local GM, James Pang.

The managers were invited up on stage to give a toast.

The best dress contest during the dinner.
Very entertaining.

Eleven colourful ladies were pulled on stage for a walk-off.

By applause and cheers, we were down to the final two favourites.
But in the end Carren came up tops as she had a bit more support from the foreign staff.
There're vids of the event but they're only available in my facebook account.
So I guess you'd have to log in to check em out.

There was also the men's best dress contest but my camera ran outta memory hence I have no records of it.
The following are pix that I've managed to take with most of my colleagues.

Carren Ah-yi as Cleopatra

Santarina Flo (my Ah Ji "big sis")

Alina as some kinda 60's dancer?
She's the one who brought us to the various costume shops for fittings.
Thanks Shi-jie.

Keri the cute newcomer in tender :)
She was lurking around our table so I grabbed her for a pic. Heh heh.

Susan who probably thinks I'm a garbage man.
She was from Shinryo and she's still very 'gum' with the folks in our company.
That's why she's here tonight.

Linda from the drafting department where I'm temporary located at until I'm booted off to site when my project starts.
That's Erika from tender in the background.

Desmond as Super Mario sporting a big belly made of pillow.
It was his birthday the next day.
We soon had a jolly drinking session with him after the D&D.

John aka Loo-ge as a magician.

Alex Chan as some kinda ship commander.
Or maybe Sir Stanford Raffles.

James as......I have no idea what he's supposed to be.
Looks like a Mexican dancer like in The Mask.

Ah Peng couldn't find a costume which he fancies......so he went formal.

My boss Alex Lim.

One of our drivers, Suhaemi.

The two blood suckers - Ken and Darren.

With Tony and James the attention cam whore!

Louis, my trusty draftsperson and Ashley from tender.

With the Spicy Devil and Las Vegas Showgirl(I think), Lydia.
Check out where her hand is!!!

BK and Ah Yoong

Hey Mr. President.

And a couple of group shots.

Full series of pix can be viewed @ my Fotologue or Multiply