STARHUB MAXMOBLEI had to re-contract my Maxonline Express for 1 year in order to get this mobile broadband service for free.
But I guess it is worth it as I can now go online anywhere with my eeepc :)
This mobile modem works via the HSPA(High Speed Packet Access) Technology.
I recieved my package via delivery to my house.

You can insert a microSD card to make it a thumbdrive as well.

This is where you insert the SIM card.

Plugged in and ready to go.

And I'm Online!!!
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MID AUTUMN WITH DEAR AND CO.It's been a while since I've went out and 'played' with lanterns.
I believe the last time was during secondary school where we had to go back to school at night to celebrate the festival.
Dear invited me to join her and her friend Serene at the nearby jetty to carry lanterns and play with some sparklers.
It's their tradition every year to head down to the so-called jetty to celebrate the mid-autumn festival.
This time round, Dear's sister, Joey is joining us as well.
The view from the edge of the water.
That would be JB.

Seems like they're all too shy to pose for a group pic.
I had to sneak a snapshot :)

The next evening, the neighbor's meimei was out and about playing with her lantern along the corridor.

Unfortunately her lantern caught fire after mei mei dropped it on the floor :(
Strangely, she didn't cry......probably because her uncle quickly fed her with some fries to pacify her.
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LONG TIME NO HOOTAdidas WHS HootsOn Sunday, I tried to jio probro for abit of togetherness hoot at the recent Adidas WHS over at Wing Tai but he didn't think that there'll be any good deals at Wing Tai due to our past experiences.
I went for it anyway and I even wore an adidas dry fit tee to get into the 'mood'.
But dammit, the sleeve of my tee started to have fraying threads and when I attempted to tug it off, it frayed further.
That's when i know I'm destined to make some purchases at the Adidas WHS.
Bo bian, hooted 2 dry fit tees at $39 each.

Daiso HootsThought probro ain't interested in the WHS, we met up later at CSC to check out any good revoltech deals.
Unfortunately there wasn't any and stuff that probro wanted to get were either out of stock or too highly priced.
We then headed off to Daiso(Vivo) to do some low damage hooting.
I got for myself a new key pouch as my previous one is dirty and smell like ass.

And a little something for dear as she seems to be losing her ear studs quite often :)

Dear hooted this tee for me from Cotton On :)

There's also a polo tee.
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FOR MUM, FROM DEAROne day, I told dear that I was going to be having dinner with my folks(too bad dear would be working on that day) to give my mum a treat for her birthday(lunar).
Then she went out to buy a gift for my mum.
So sweet of dear......

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