Heard from probro that the PicooZ is selling at $9.90 (first 100 customers) at Suntec's Carrefour.
I guess I'd have to be an early bird to catch that offer.
After seeing my dear off to work at around 10am, I continued down the mrt and headed to Suntec.
The mini Carrefour toy fair is held at the atrium.

When I got there, I saw the PicooZs tagged at $19.90!!!
WTF! Did I made a wasted trip?
Then I asked a Malay auntie in-charge about the promotion as stated in the leaflet.
She said that these are currently sold as $9.90 but it is limited to only 1 per customer.
After the 100th piece is sold, it's back to $19.90 as stated in the tag.

I wasted no time, grabbed a piece and started to queue as I'm going to re-queue and hoot another one for ProBro too.
While I was making my way back to pick up another piece and re-queue, I overheard the auntie in-charge confronting a lady and child who had already purchased two PicooZs and were requeueing to get one more. She told them that she was only allowed to buy once and you can't get another one even if you requeue.
I was shocked to hear that, so I quickly went to one corner and stuff my purchase into my bag before I go pick up another piece :)
Then I joined the queue for another cashier counter to pay for it :)
My hoots for the day from Carrefour.

In return, Probro and Fio gave me this(they also had another gift for my dear)

Fio, your DIY gift wrapping looks great, it could look even better if you'd snipped the ribbon ends to a V-shaped and do a double bow like what I've did above :)
Nice desert camou mouse with retractable cord.
Good for dusty worksite environment use with my eeepc.

My dear's CJ7 bedroom slippers.