[TRIP] GENTING HIGHLANDS We travelled with Grassland as it gave the cheapest deals for this period of time.
View of KL from the coach along the way.
View from the First World Hotel lift lobby.
View from our room.
Dear had always longed to visit the theme park but her plans were always foiled due to poor weather for the past few times she'd been to Genting. This time we were lucky as the weather was just nice for some outdoor fun. Dear finally got to ride her roller coaster (Corkscrew). Then we rode the Spinner and I acquired a spinning headache afterwards, lol.
I was bored in the hotel room while Dear, her mum and their friend went for their massage. So this is what I did to entertain myself :)
[HOOT] NIKE JOGGING SHOES My annual IPT is coming soon in late Aug. My previous Brooks running shoes has served me well thru the 8 sessions and also at work for the past 1 year. But parts of the soles are beginning to come off. So it's time to get some new ones. Again, I headed to Sportslink at AMK for its cheap deals.
WOODLANDS WATERFRONT It's a Sunday, Dear likes to sleep in late. I woke up at 10am and decided to go to the recently opened Woodlands Waterfront for a walk. Little did I know it was quite a long walk under the hot sun before I could reach the park.
Check out the route I took. To and fro back home.
Parts of the waterfront is still in progress.
Finally I arrived at the park.
A playground for the kids.
The jetty where fishing kakis hang out.
That's JB. Not a very big park. It is quite outta the way. But you can get there by bus 856.
This is a short amount of text where the user tries to write some random crap about him/herself.
It's not real actually, it only approximately describes the character of the user.
And most of the time it's not true. It's just the qualities which the user wishes he/she had.
Some of the commonly used adjectives are: friendly, cheerful, outgoing, happy, cute, sweet, caring and the list goes on...